99 Allahovih imena
by Jasmin Stovrag
🗂️ Education
Version 1.0
📅 Updated November 24, 2016
Who do I worship?n"Meet" his Lord Most Gracious!
Features 99 Allahovih imena
Allahumme salli alā Muhammedin ve alāā āli Muhammed.
Es-selamu alejkum.Draga braćo i sestre vrlo je bitno da znamo kome se to mi klanjamo.
Ko je naš Gospodar Milostivi?
Kakve su Njegove osobine?
S obzirom na to da Allaha niko bolje ne zna od Njega Samoga a od Njegovih stvorenja najbolje Ga poznaje Njegov poslanik Muhammed, a.s., o Allahu i Njegovim imenima može se govoriti jedino na temelju Kur’ana i sunneta.
Allah se zbog toga ne može, niti smije, opisivati nikakvim ljudskim kategorijama, nego onako kako On sam Sebe opisuje i onako kako Ga opisuje Njegov poslanik.
Kroz Svoja imena Allah nam pruža osnovne informacije o Sebi kako bismo svojim ograničenim mogućnostima razumjeli Njegovu božansku prirodu ( ذات ) i Njegova svojstva ( صفات ).
Tako je Allah, kako sam Sebe u Kur’anu opisuje, Najveći, Svemoguć, Stvoritelj i Održavatelj svemira i svih stvorenja, Pravedni Vladar Koji sve vidi, sve čuje i svim stvarima upravlja prema Svojoj volji.
On je Vječno Živi, Prvi i Posljednji, bez početka i kraja, neograničen vremenom i mjestom i Sam Sebi dovoljan.
Allah je naš najveći Pomagač, Zaštitnik, Dobročinitelj i Hranitelj, Koji život i smrt daje, naša iskrena pokajanja prima i molbama našim udovoljava.Upravo zbog toga je i namjera ove aplikacije da "približi" svojsta i karakteristike Uzvišenog Gospodara svima nama, da se svremena na vrijeme podsjećamo i da naučimo ova imena.
"Buharija i Muslim bilježe hadis od Ebu Hurejrea, r.a., da je Allahov Poslanik, s.a.v.s., rekao: ” Allah ima 99 imena, stotinu manje jedno.
Ko ih nauči i po njima postupi, ući će u Džennet.
“Riječi ko ih nauči napamet i obuhvati znanjem (men ahsaha) podrazumijevaju učenje napamet, shvaćanje njihova značenja, poznavanje na šta ona ukazuju i postupanje prema onome što svako ime od nas zahtijeva."A zaista čitajući ova Lijepa Imena i svojstva Allaha, ljubav prema Uzvišenom se zaista još više povećava i učvršćuje.
Ostavite i rating aplikacije, Allah vam se smilovao.**Karakteristike aplikacije**-Jednostavnost i kompaktnost.-Fluidnost.-99 Allahovih imena na tranksripciji i na arapskom jeziku.-Mogućnost slušanja izgovora svakog imena na arapskom jeziku pojedinačno.Ukoliko imate bilo kakvih problema javite se na mail developera.Molim Uzvišenog Allaha da nas sve učvrsti na pravome putu, podari sabura i svako dobro na ovome i onome svijetu, amin.Allahumma Salli ala Muhammedin knows Alaa Ali Muhammad.Es-Salam alaykum.Dear brothers and sisters, it is very important that we know where to worship me.
When our Lord the Merciful?
What are his qualities?Given the fact that Allah no one knows better than himself and of His creatures best known Him His Prophet Muhammad as, Allah and His names can speak only on the basis of the Quran and Sunnah.
Allah is, therefore, can not and must not, describe any human categories, but as he himself describes as described by His Messenger.
Through its name Allah gives us some information about yourself in order to understand their limited opportunities His deity (ذات) and Its properties (صفات).
Thus, Allah, as I myself in the Quran describes largest, the Almighty, Creator and Sustainer of the universe and all the creatures, righteous ruler who sees all, hears all, and all things managed to His will.
He is eternal lives, first and last, without beginning or end, unlimited by time and space and self-absorbed.
Allah is our biggest helper, protector, benefactor and Sustainer, Who gives life and death, our sincere repentance and receiving applications to our meets.This is why it is the intention of this application to "close" the characteristics and properties of the Almighty Lord for all of us to be reminded from time to time and to learn the names."Bukhari and Muslim recorded hadith of Abu Hurairah ra that the Prophet said:" Allah has 99 names, one hundred less one.
When they learn and act upon them, will enter Paradise.
"The words when they learn by heart and include knowledge (men ahsaha) involve rote learning, understanding their meaning, knowing what they indicate, and actions according to what each name requires of us.
"A really reading these beautiful names and characteristics of Allah, love of the Divine is actually further enhances and solidifies.Leave and rating applications, Allah have mercy on you.** App Features **Simplicity and compactness.-Fluidnost.-99 Name of Allah on tranksripciji and the Arabic language.-The Possibility of listening to the pronunciation of each name in Arabic alone.If you have any problems please contact the developers email.I pray Allah to strengthen us all on the right track, and gave Saburo and every good in this life and the Hereafter, amen.
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